My Journey

My health journey starts when I was just a teenager. One summer I gained a lot of weight. Like a lot. And I didn’t know why. I swam competitively year round and ate “healthily”. I wound up getting diagnosed with PCOS due to my weight, irregular cycles, and elevated androgen levels. For years I fought with my weight, anxiety, low energy levels, and my confidence. I was doing everything I could think of to try to lose weight and feel better. I exercised even more and ate less, just like my doctor told me to do. But things only got worse.

By the time I was 16, I was handed birth control pills as a way to “fix” my PCOS and regulate my irregular periods. I was told it might help me with my acne, make my periods less painful, and even lose weight. Spoiler alert: it does not fix, heal, or cure anything, a lesson I learned 10 years down the road.

My junior year of college I hit a breaking point. I was the heaviest I’d ever been. I had zero energy. I spent all my free time in my room, alone, in the dark.

I decided to take my health seriously and try a different approach. I stopped counting calories (something I’d done since I was 14), stopped exercising 2 hours everyday, and lost 30lbs. This sent me down the path of learning everything there is about natural health.

I started off getting my Personal Trainer certification from NASM. Then got my integrative health coach certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I started my health coaching practice by working with women with PCOS. I continued my health journey by earning my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Certification and Reiki Level I&II. Because by the time I was 28, I had cured my PCOS naturally. Most doctors will tell you curing PCOS is impossible. But my doctor told me I didn’t have any markers for it anymore.

My greatest calling in the world of natural health has been herbalism. My never ending negative experiences with western medicine pushed me more and more towards ancient wisdom and using nature as medicine. Plants are so healing. Physically. Energetically. Emotionally. The more I learned about them, the more I wondered why we turned away from them in the first place. Herbs are so specific and take into account the whole person whereas western medicine is so impersonal and there’s this “one size fits all treatment” that usually doesn’t work.

My mission is to help you reconnect to nature and feel aligned with the highest version of yourself. We do this through herbalism, nutrition, movement, and lifestyle. My favorite populations to work with are women struggling with painful/heavy/irregular periods, PCOS, endometriosis, transitioning off of birth control, getting in tune with your cycle, and women looking to empower themselves through improving their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

In my free time, I like playing piano, reading, knitting, collecting tarot decks, and cuddling with my cat Reese and rabbit Tanqueray.

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