What does working with Katie look like?

An initial consultation is an hour and 15 minutes. We will spend this time going over your intake forms and diving deep into what exactly is going on with you. Then we’ll talk about strategies to help you address the issues you’re experiencing. These include herbs to take, foods to incorporate into your diet (or avoid), exercise and movement, breath work, stress relief, and other lifestyle changes that might be helpful. You’ll leave the session with 3-5 homework assignments (i.e. drink raspberry tea 3x/day, take 500mg ginger 3 days before the start of your period, incorporate more leafy greens, etc.). I recommend scheduling a follow up about a month after our first session to see how things are going.

Do I need to schedule a follow up?

I HIGHLY recommend scheduling at least one follow up after our initial consult. Herbs can take a while to work and we want to make sure the herbs are working and sometimes it takes a little trial and error. This is especially important if you’re wanting to address multiple concerns because I don’t want you to try to take on too many changes all at once, get frustrated or feel like it’s too much, and give up. So it’s important to see how things go and add more changes in gradually. Plus, accountability is a HUGE factor when it comes to starting and maintaining a new health protocol. So having another appointment on the books helps you know that I’m going to ask how your homework went for the month.

Who does Katie work with?

My life’s work is helping women feel more empowered by understanding how their bodies work so they can become their own healers and step into their divine feminine. Because of that, I work with women who are struggling with

  • PCOS

  • PMS

  • Endometriosis

  • Coming off hormonal birth control

  • Painful, heavy, and/or irregular periods

  • Infertility

  • Easing the transition to menopause

  • Stress

  • Low energy

  • Weight gain/inability to lose weight

  • Low self-image

We of course can work on other things you might be dealing with as well.

Should I stop taking my medication now that I’m seeing you?

No! Unless you have talked to your doctor about stopping medication, do not stop taking it just because you are now taking herbs. However, it is important you inform me of any medication you might be on because some herbs do interact with pharmaceutical drugs. There is a space for you to let me know this on your intake form.

What if I can’t make my appointment?

You may cancel anytime before 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you cancel less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, you will not be refunded.

What can herbs offer that Western Medicine can’t?

There are several benefits to working with herbs. Firstly, we look at the whole person rather than isolating each issue. This allows us to one, ensure we’re using the most effective herbs that are suited specifically to you and your goals, and two, use herbs to address the root cause of your concerns rather than just masking the symptoms. Unfortunately, doctors rarely have the time to sit down with their patients and do in depth treatments where they look at your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic health, and how they all play in to each other. Nor do they have the time to come up with a comprehensive protocol and meet with you periodically to ensure you’re following that protocol and that the protocol is working for you. But that IS something we can do with herbalism and health coaching. Another benefit to herbs is that there are much fewer side effects. For instance, for a headache, you could take aspirin for the pain, but this comes with possible digestive issues as aspirin can disrupt your gut microbiome. Or, you could take white willow (which is actually what aspirin is derived from) which will work just as efficiently (if not better) and will not come with digestive upset. Most herbs have zero side effects unless you have an allergy.