What is Beyond Quantum Healing?

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a shoot off of Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) that combines elements of hypnosis and energy healing. It allows the client to explore the subconscious, interact with their guides and highest self (and possibly other entities like ETs), and receive healing. This healing can be spiritual, emotional, mental, and even physical.

As a BQH practitioner, I’m there to guide you and facilitate healing. I love working with people who are looking to align with their Higher Self and find their true purpose on this earth. It is an invitation to awakening to cultivate self-trust and self-love. If you’re looking for transformation, healing, or just answers to some of the mysteries in your life, I invite you to book a session with me!

Why do a BQH session?

There are many reasons to do a QHT session! Here are a few examples:

  • Explore your subconscious

  • Connect with your Higher Self and Guides

  • Explore past lives

  • Facilitate healing (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical)

  • Get answers to mysteries (ET encounters, ghosts, missing time, etc.)

What can I expect during my session?

Each session will look different because BQH relies heavily on intuition, meaning if all the sudden you’re “somewhere else” during a session, that’s fine. It also means we can incorporate other healing modalities into the session as well!

Here’s what a “typical” session looks like:

We’ll start with an interview so we can comfortable with each other, learn more about why you booked a session, and talk about what you’re hoping to get out of it. From there, we’ll come up with an intention for your session. We’ll then use this intention for our water alchemy ceremony. After that, we’ll start the hypnosis portion. This is where you’ll explore past lives, get your questions answered, and receive healing. After that, I’ll bring you back to a conscious state and we’ll go over major points (sometimes people can’t remember what happened!) and I’ll help you ground.

A typical session is around 2 hours, but they can be shorter or longer. I recommend booking on a day where you don’t have any time commitments that would limit our time together just in case it’s a longer session. If you do have any time constraints, please let me know before the session begins.

How should I prepare for my session?

There are several things I recommend doing before your session:

  • Make sure you have a comfortable, quiet place you can recline. A bed is best but you can also use a recliner. It’s also important that you have a space to put your computer so that I can see your face during the hypnosis portion of the session. This is important because I can’t see what you’re seeing and some people aren’t very verbal (or aren’t verbal at all) during this portion so being able to see your face is very helpful. And if you have a clip on microphone or headset, I recommend using this during the session. Sometimes people speak more softly during the hypnosis portion so it can be difficult to hear if you’re just using your computer mic.

  • Write down questions you have for your guides/Higher Self. You’re welcome to email these to me ahead of time or just bring them to the session. There’s no limit to the amount of questions, but if you have a lot please rank them in order of importance in case we can’t get to them all.

  • If you’ve never done hypnosis or meditation before, I recommend doing some meditation and/or guided visualizations (there are a ton on YouTube). It’s ok if you don’t “see” what’s going on. As long as you can imagine it. Some people just get information or sensation in the body and that’s fine.

  • Have a glass of water ready at the time of our session (glass or ceramic is preferable but anything is fine). We will use this for our water alchemy ceremony.

  • Pay attention to your dreams leading up to our session. They’re probably telling you something!


“My session with Katie was insightful, deeply healing, and incredibly calming. Katie has a gift for this type of work and is an excellent guide. I felt heard and understood before we started thanks to the thorough intake process. I received the answers I was looking for during our session.”

-Kerry B.