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Welcome! Ready to sprinkle some herbal magic into your life?



My name is Katie and I’m an integrative nutrition health coach, herbalist, and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) practitioner, but I like to think of myself as a body, mind, and soul healer. I’ve seen the power of what nutrition, lifestyle, and herbs can do to heal people and also believe in the power of what some would call “woo woo” (a term I lovingly embrace) modalities (like BQH and reiki). My goal is to help you become the best version of yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Current Offerings:

1:1 Herbal Consultations: Click HERE
Holistic Living for PCOS program: Click HERE
Beyond Quantum Healing Sessions: Click HERE

Why work with Katie?

Do you seem to be randomly gaining weight? Or do you have trouble losing weight even though you’re trying EVERYTHING?

Does stress seem to be running your life?

Do your moods seem out of control?

Do you feel tired all the time, even if you get a full night of sleep?

Do you have crazy PMS or irregular cycles?

Do you struggle with acne, irregular hair growth, or hair loss?

Trying to come off of birth control but scared of what might happen?

Looking for alternative ways to help with your PCOS, endometriosis, or period problems?

Or perhaps you’re someone who feels like there’s more to your life. Like something is missing and you can’t put your finger on what it is. That you know the potential is there and you want to embrace it but something just isn’t aligning. You know you want to find your purpose and ensure you’re on the right path.

If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, I’m here to help.

As someone who had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for nearly 15 years, I understand the frustration of dealing with “one size fits all” protocols that never seem to work. Our medical system is not designed to work with you on an individual level.

Enter herbalism. I love herbalism because it takes into account the whole person. And the herbs are super specific. This isn’t like going to the doctor’s office and being told to take Tylenol because you have a headache and that’s where it stops. With herbs, we look at why that headache is happening. Does it happen during a specific time in your cycle? What kind of pain is it? Are you having cramping in other parts of your body? What are your stress levels? How do you respond to stress? How’s your digestion? Because all these things and more play a part in selecting an herbal protocol that’s right for you.

My goal now as a certified Herbalist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach is to help other women become in tune with the rhythm of their cycle so you can feel like the magical goddess that you are. We bring your mind, body, and spirit into balance through herbs, nutrition, movement, and lifestyle. And what’s more magical than playing potions with herbs?

And if you’re questioning things like your purpose, your self-worth, or the nature of our reality, Beyond Quantum Healing is what you’re looking for. This modality combines elements of hypnotherapy and energy work to allow you to explore past lives, talk to your Higher Self and guides, and receive answers and healing. If these are things that pique your interest and you want to learn more, click here.

Click the button below to get started!

*I am not a medical professional and therefore do not treat disease. What I do is provide lifestyle changes to help supplement what your doctor prescribes and help you heal on a holistic level. 


Read more about what I do and why I do it in my interview with MysticMag.


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